“The Least Among You” is a story about a young African American man, named Robert Kelly. Kelly wants to work to make money for his family when he is accused of something he didn’t do and is forced to attend a seminary. He is the first African American to attend this seminary. He struggles to find his way while he is there, and begins making friends with the only other African American person on the campus, the janitor. The story then unfolds to tell how Kelly works through struggles, lack of faith, and racism at the school.
The movie had a strong storyline, and was easily understandable, until the end. It ended rather quickly and in a confusing way. It seemed as if they couldn’t record anymore and ended the movie right away. There were also parts of the movie where you could tell that people were using foul language, but it was cut and new words were added, but it is clearly visible.
Overall, I would give this movie a three star. It would have received at least a four, but the ending was so abrupt and confusing that I cannot give it anymore than that.