Tuesday, August 2, 2011

God's Love Letters To You

This book is a well written collection of truths that God has been giving his people since the times of Noah. It was interesting for me to read through this book once and I am now reading it with my daily devotional. Much of what Dr. Crabb has to say is not new ideas, but reiterating the old ideas in a way that touches the hearts of the readers. I feel like I was able to understand the love of Christ in a new and different way after reading through these "letters."

a Vision of Lucy

Margaret Brownly's book "A Vision of Lucy" was creative, romatic, exciting, and fun to read. I was hooked at the very beginning. The story is based in a small town called Rocky Creek. She dreams of becoming a photographer. Lucy always falls into trouble when she is trying to capture just the right picture. The picture she is working on is one of a wild man, and all of her trouble leads her right down a path to love. Brownly tells a wonderful love story in this book. ONe that captures your heart and lets you fall in love with all of the characters as well.

The Final Summit

Andy Andrews has a wonderful ability to write about wonderous things and make you feel like you are living them. In his book "The Final Summit" he does just that. I have not read the first book in this series, but this book could definetly stand on its own. In this book David Ponder is taken to a meeting place by an angel. Here he is to decide the fate of humanity. While at this meeting he comes to know many of the world's most famous people, like Abraham Linclon and Anne Frank. The book began with a slow introduction and first chapter, but once through those parts I loved reading the book. It had great ideas and Andrews did a great job of making you feel like you are there with them in the heavenly meeting hall.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

On This Day in Christian History

This book is intended to be read daily as a devotional or other such reading. I read it over the course of several days and it was very interesting to hear the stories of many of the forefathers of the church. Many of the stories were new to me, and I was interested in how they portrayed the Christian faith in a new and different way.
I would say that as a devotional book it would be decent, but not my favorite thing to study from. As an informational book about other Christian's and their lives and walks with Christ it would be great! I enjoyed reading the book. I liked the way it was set up and how it was organized. I would reccommend this book for anyone wanting to hear stories of other Christians or to learn more about what a radical life with Christ should or could look like.

Adventures in Booga Booga Land

This movie contained three Biblical stories acted out by a giraffe and a monkey. The show contained some very entertaining and funny material, but I am not sure that it followed the Biblical stories as closely as it could have. I was interested in the way they told the stories and what they wanted to teach the children who will be watching them.  Over-all I do not think they were bad movies, but I do think they had a problem with making a point of what the story was. Sometimes I felt like it wa sin the background and didn’t mean anything for the plot of the story.  I would not recommend this product to others, because I did not think that it told the Biblical stories well enough (this is something that is very central for me).